We all have seen the lists of outdated laws that make no sense but remain on our books somehow. Chester County has inherited plenty from Pennsylvania. (It is apparently illegal to catch fish with your bare hands, for example). Section 623 of our Penal Code prohibits discharging a cannon at any wedding (ruining many a celebration).
These ridiculous and amusing regulations disguise the problem of serious laws on our books that create financial hardship and worse in our communities. People have lost their freedom by being incarcerated for rules that mandate punishment for actions that few people believe should be illegal. Businesses are burdened with costs and threats of fines (or worse) that depress business growth and raise costs for Chester County consumers.
The Chester County Libertarian Party believes it is time to help focus some of our best minds on this problem of laws that should be stricken from our books. This is why the LPCC is announcing a student contest entitled ‘Unlawful Laws’. We are soliciting student essays that present the case for the removal of a law on our books. These laws may be Local, County, State or Federal. Students are asked to describe why a law should be removed, and how this removal will benefit Chester County and other Pennsylvania and national residents.
Too often, lawmakers create restrictive rules that either generate unintended consequences, or restrict freedoms in an effort to solve problems that never really existed. Politicians often feel that their role is to control a constituency that cannot self-regulate and should not be trusted to make rational decisions without a bureaucracy telling them how to think and act. Chester County has numerous examples of poorly thought-out regulations and bans on products and activities that serve no purpose other than pandering to special interests or providing a way for some minor politician to grandstand and pretend to save the voters from themselves.
Fixing this situation is largely up to the next generation of voters who are learning that personal freedom is more important than the narrow mindedness of our elected politicians. This is why the Unlawful Laws Essay Contest will be open to all Chester County Students over the age of 13, in grades 7-12. It is open to Public, Private, and Home School Students. Winning essays will be based on originality and adherence to the topic, as well as the strength of supporting information. Cash prizes donated by the LPCC members and supporters will be up to $250.
The LPCC feels that this will be an excellent opportunity for students, parents, and teachers to consider a vital topic that can improve the lives of every Chester County resident. It is our hope that the Unlawful Laws Essay Contest will encourage classes to discuss how often laws are created by thoughtless governments that create hardships for the voters that they are supposed to work for, and how to avoid this problem through enlightened thinking about personal freedoms.
Check out the Unlawful Laws Essay Contest, and tell students and teachers about the entry form and rules posted online here: https://lpchesco.com/contests/
If you would like to contribute a few dollars towards the liberty-supporting essay prizes, please click this link and mention Student Essay in the comment section: https://lppa.org/get-involved/donate/chester/