Chester County and the borough of West Chester have no shortage of problems to work on.Affordable housing is scarce, growing traffic, and some of the fastest growing tax burdens in the state.
Yet the mayor and Borough Council have decided to prioritize the use of plastic bags. The council is acting on the urging of some local school children who want to turn a class project into a law that will restrict the rights of the local community.
The fact that outlawing the commercial use of plastic bags is based on dubious scientific and economic theories is understandable, as the idea was generated by school children. But a mayor and council should certainly know better.
The children said they contacted a shop in California who had been forced to charge customers a dime every time they needed a big to carry purchases home in. Some people think this is a good idea, but they don’t realize such a law would in fact be an automatic tax increase imposed on local businesses and shoppers without benefit of debate or referendum of any kind. It’s likely that the imposition of such a tax is illegal as well as being immoral.
Consumers and business today are free to transport purchases home however they choose.They can bring a cart, reusable bag or carry a cardboard box home on the bus.They have the freedom to use no plastic bag if it makes them feel good to do so.
Ifthis freedom to refuse plastic bags already exists, what motivates a mayor and council to sit through a sixth grade class presentation and pretend that enacting a law restricting our rights is a fine idea?
Politicians believe that it looks good to pass ridiculous, unneeded laws and pretend that they have saved the community from themselves. It’s easier than tackling the real problems in the and borough. And if the voters sit passively by and allow their rights to become diminished and their pockets picked?
Well, in that case the politicians will have bagged another blow to local freedom