Election Systems updated with 2 New Voting Machines and ADA compliant stands

Pennsylvania lawmakers are attempting to restrict our rights with an unconstitutional ballot initiative next month. The Libertarian Party of Chester County, Pa. urges all Pa. Libertarians to vote on November 5th, 2019, and defeat this proposed change to our state constitution.

Chester County voters this November will experience Pennsylvania state mandated upgrades to the equipment. The state decommissioned the old voting machines and mandated an upgrade before April 2020.

Members of the Chester County Voter Services chose our new machines: Expressvote and Precinct Scanner (DS200) along with ADA compliant stands that are wheelchair accessible.

The old iVotronic was not ADA compliant and the scanner would jam frequently. Pennsylvania continues to be a paper ballot voting state to dissuade voter fraud. Voters will continue to use paper ballots and pen (pens are provided). After completing the ballot either with the Expressvote or at a standard privacy booth, the voter feeds the paper ballot into the Precinct Scanner.

The new machines and stands meet the standards of security, auditability and accessibility.

Check Chester County voter Services web site for 2 short videos about the new machines at www.chesco.org

Please see our previous blog post to learn more about the Pa. ballot initiative.